Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Compact Disc

Sbnrnye ni soalan time intrview haliburton dulu..mmg aku kantoi la xleh jwb..hari ni ttbe trase nk cari ape jwpan zassss...

Ok...sbnrny bile kite beli CD kosong..CD 2 adalah clear dan sgt suci tanpa titik2 noda.haa..mst ade org yg xtau kan camne CD yg simple gitu mmpu simpan data. Ape yg kite tau burn CD...but ape yg sbnrnye terjadi waktu burn 2???

hurmmm...actually bile kite kate burner 2 akn mmbakar CD tu lalu meghasilkan lubang2 kecil diatas CD 2 yg xdpt dilihat oleh mata kasar sbb lubang2 ni skecil skala mikron. Lubang2 ni di panggil 'pit'. Kite kuarkan cd lepas burning 2 kkdg tgk CD 2 cam xde perubahan jela kan. sbnrnye CD 2 da pon ternoda.haaa...take note~~

ni la ilustration pit

Sbnrnye lubang2 ni la yg menyimpan data yg anda nk simpan dimana lubang2 tu adalah binary code yg akan dibace bile laser dipancarkan ke CD lalu laser 2 terpntul semula then directed tophoto sensor and lastly producing a series of electrical pulse. Ingt x binary code...system digital yg hanye mggunakan number 0 dan 1. Bile laser reflected by pit, it will signal 1..bile reflected by will signal 0.So, it is all about Compact Disc basically....

haa...ade additional info...ape beza CD ngn DVD. sbnrnye concept dia same je. cume DVD ni lg canggih la. DVD bole mghasilkan pit yg lebih kurus dan jarak antra pit 2 adalah jauh lebeh rapat utk DVD. Memandangkan DVD ni lg reader n burner dia msti la kene canggih gk. DVD burner kenela mmpu mghasilkan pit2 yg kecik ni. DVD reader lak mstla ade rotation speed yg ckup, data rate yg laju dan laser wavelenght mst la bersesuaian utk mmbace DVD ni...

Ade lg ilmu tambahan...Certain DVD bole hasilkan pit on dual layer...and double side. 2 la yg kkdg korg prasan ade term DL (Dual layer) or SL (single layer) and SS (Single side) or DS (double side).


Monday, July 26, 2010

Engineer Haliburton = John McGiver [Part 2]

23/7/2010 - Interview Haliburton with Mr. Somnath Banerjee

huuu...mgkin no 23 ni mmg byk mmberi tuah kat aku.selected as one of the candidate in this intrview.Gigil jugak lutut xpe..bkn sng nk dpt chance ni.kene buat yg torrrbaekk!!!

Bende yg klaka t'jd...rupe2nye bilik yg kiteorg duduk ramai2 2 adalah bilik aiman J. artis yg pernah menggegarkan UTP satu ketika dulu dgn lagu hitznya...Kenangan Terindah.alangkah terkejut nye dia bile bukak2 bile diorg ade 7 org malaun xdikenali bergelimpangan dlm bilik beliau.seb baek dia ni jenis artis yg sporting. "xpe2..korg duduk la sini dulu...aku duduk kat bilik sebelah" ohhh..x sgke UTP is producing a well tolerate aiman J.pg2 cam bese...agenda dulu jap...ngeh3...pkol 930 aku ngn yong melangkahkn la kaki kami ke block USM.gile jauh menapak...huhu...dr V5 kot...DUP DAP DUP DAP...cuak2...

Dipendekkan cite...smpai la turn aku masuk bilik intrview 2..hurmm..

Soalan bese ar...tell me about yourself Mr Amin...haishh...da hafal da karangan aku wat utk jwb soalan ni...bsan ar Mr Banerjee...tnye soalan len laa..

"Ok gud Mr i'd i see u have gud..bla..bla..bla...then.. i want u to make sure are u really good in technical skill as what shown in your tenchinal test. Ok amin..y u choose to take mechanical??"

Ok...soalan ni pon da ready skit2.goreng2~~~lalalalala...bla..bla..bla...i like automotive fields...bla...bla..blaa...

"Ok Mr amin...could u tell me the step by step from the key we put the key until the car is moving...what happen...bla...bla..."

Dem...seb baek la aku tau gk skit2 pasal kete...goreng2...ok..i pass 4 mechanical area...

skali dia nk tnye psl electrical ngn computer gk...owhh la aku nk reti sgt...dipndekkan manusia yg diorg nk g mmg btol2 kene well-rounded.smua ilmu serba boleh...haishh..mane nk cari manusia bile pk2 balik i got the moral of the story.What they are chasing at is actually a person with a high in deside to know sumthing...even it is not related to him/her courses, life and what soo everr...this person is hyper motivated to learn n know...that is the type of person that they want. I of coz i don think i am parallel with that...huuhh~~ pernah wujud ke org camni kt UTP..mgkin prnah...1 in thousand or bilion or zillionnn...

Hurmm..but i think it is not too late to change dis.So this is why i create this blog. Cadangannye for each knowledge that gain n i learn i will put it in here especially engineering knowledge...(besa gile cite2 aku...hahaha) xpe...xslh psg niat...smbil2 tu bleh gk ngarut2 dgn activity2 yg aku wat dlm hidup...huhu...

2 jela smpai disini...chalosss~~

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Engineer Haliburton = John McGiver [Part 1]

22/7/2010 - Haliburton Screening Test for Interview Session

Huh...sbnrny xde sel pon nk g ke intrview ni.Haliburton kot...well-known worldwide company. for sure their put a very high expectation on us. tp sbb dia kat utp kan..ttbe ter'pk bole beragenda minute..i change my decision to just give a try. Gerak la kami 3 bersaudara dr UTP...KAMALa..KEREka..n..CUBika...saving punye pasal kami meredah jln batang kali yg penuh dgn lap2 maut..(tol 22 hinggit beb!!)Ulu gile tmpt ni!!Celcom pon xde line!! mule ar kuar mcm2 cite antu dr mulut2 yg celupar2 belake..kalo kate org ganu celupar leting (buk Singgah sebentar di slim river ambik nate sore lg...UCOPka..(sorg budak je pggil dia ni Smpai kt UTP 3pg..smua blank nk tido mane.ttbe ucop ni kate dia ade knci bilik lame.yeahhh..slumber!!gegar la bilik ucop lame...bukak2 pintu..skali da ade budak masuk da.UTP da nk bukak kan.haha..kebetulan bilik sblh bilik ucop 2 terbukak.kami 4 besaudara merempat la kt bilik 2.Esok pg2 bgn g brekfast suda..beragenda skit jap.test start pkol 130.pekene esssjagung skit kt deli bersame saudara2..huh~~tibe saat yg dinanti2kan...masuk office haliburton 2 dia bg talk bout their company. alaaa...sape ambik major PE msti tau da smua bnde2 dia cite 2.tpt pkol 3 ptg...mule la screening test dia. ade 3 test..comprehensive test, technical test n IQ test..MCM HAREMM SUSAHHH!!tp memandangkn kami ni well train~~sebelah aku ucop...sebalah plak yong...ngeh3...skodeng!!cop..hg buat IQ test yg blkg..aku wat yg dpn.Yong...yg nate2 ni bape volt yong...(soalan EE smua tnye fuhh...last2...IQ test aku ngn cop 41/50 (sory cop..aku wat slah 8..huhu)...technical test hmpir smua berisi plak...Compresensive....gorenggg~~~lalalalala..ngeh3....Abes test diorg trus tnda n on da spot dia announce sape yg dpt intrvw.Demm...skit gile dia ambik org.xsmpai 10 org pon rase aku...sian gile yg len.Alhamdulillah la aku dpt...thnx ucop...thnx yong...tanpa korg sape la aku...:)

da..pncit da nk tulis...sbnrny aku nk cite smpai da day of intrvw...da day that make me thinking to become a blogger.yeahhh...huhu...xpela...esok2 tulis lg..